Total Station Gowin TKS 202N Reflectorless | Klik Disini

Harga :
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Total Station Gowin TKS 202N 500M Reflectorless
Pembelian Maksimal :
1 set
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Dilihat :
39 Kali
Update Terakhir :
27-07-2018 10:24

Detail Produk

Total Station Gowin TKS 202N 500M Reflectorless

New GoWin TKS-202N Reflectorless 500M total station combines traditional rugged field-ready quality and accuracy with economical, compact design that is perfect for everyday measuring and positioning applications such as topo, construction layout and forensic evidence gathering.
GoWin TKS-202N features:
2″ Angular Accuracy
Reflectorless 500M
Laser Plummet
Economical, value priced measuring solution
Rugged, durable, water resistant design, IP54 rated
Expanded, full numeric keypad
On board programs & 24,000 point data storage
Ideal as a construction stakeout total station
Perfect as a forensic evidence measuring and recording instrument
Superior, when combined with a data collector and field software
The GoWin is a high-value total station. Built for the professional who needs both precision and durability. The GoWin TKS-202N represents a commitment to supplying surveying, construction and law enforcement with the world’s most cost effective, high quality positioning instrument.
Use the on-board software to layout points in the field, confident that, youll be right on target. Or, add your own data collector, to run software packages tailored to the tasks you want to perform.
Topcon Gowin TKS202N total station
Huge memory points: 2400 points
Available three language version: English, CHINAS,
Perfect color
Angle accuracy is 2″
Mini reading: 1″
Image: Erect
Magnification: 30*
Minimum focus: 1.3m
Distance accuracy: 2mm+2ppm
Single prism: 2000m
Reflectorless 500M
Long-time battery life: 14 hours

Bergaransi selama 1 tahun…!!!

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