Jual Topcon||Digital Theodolite Topcon DT 209 / DT 209L

Harga :
Merk :
Digital Theodolite Topcon DT 209 / DT 209L
Pembelian Maksimal :
6 Set
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Dilihat :
66 Kali
Update Terakhir :
10-12-2017 19:15

Detail Produk

Digital Theodolite Topcon DT 209 / DT 209L

Product Information and Details

The Topcon DT-200 Series integrates the same high-quality advanced absolute circle reading technology found in Topcons high-performance total station products for more accurate field calculations. Topcon continues to deliver the highest quality optics and electronics you expect to find in Theodolites.

The Topcon DT-200 Series weathers any wet or dust conditions in the field, allowing for a more productive day during inclement weather. Degree of protection against water is based on the standard IEC60529, whose definition is “water projected in powerful jets against the enclosure from any direction shall have no harmful effects”.

All models are also compact and lightweight for easy portability; and their simple operation provides precise measurement in a functional, hassle-free package. The Topcon DT-200 Series allows for more than 140h of continuous measurement in the angle mode. This long battery life will eliminate the necessity for the replacement batteries on the job.


Plumb bob
Tool kit
Lint free lens cloth
Waterproof protective cover
Hard carrying case

9-Second Accuracy
26x Magnification, Optical Plummet
Single Display
10″/20″ Readout
140-Hour Battery Life

Bergaransi selama 1 tahun…!!!

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