Jual Murah | Cross Line Laser Level Kapro 875 Multi Line

Harga :
Merk :
Cross Line Laser Level Kapro 875 Multi Line
Pembelian Minimal :
1 set
Pembelian Maksimal :
3 set
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Dilihat :
98 Kali
Update Terakhir :
23-02-2018 16:01

Detail Produk

Cross Line Laser Level Kapro 875 Multi Line

Cross Line Laser Level Kapro 875 4V1H, ProLaser Level Kapro 875 Leveling Laser , Multi Line Laser Level Kapro 875 Everything the professional needs in one case
Features :
* Generates five laser lines (1 horizontal and 4 vertical)
* with intersection on the ceiling and one plumb dot
* Tripod ready (5/8″)
* Visual and audible warning for “out of level” position
* Manual mode for tilted marking
* Accuracy : 0.2mm/m (0.05″/20′)
* Optional rechargeable lithium battery
* USB connection for charging the lithium battery

Specification :
* Accuracy: 1mm/5m (0.05″/20′)
* Indoor range <20m (65’)
* Outdoor range with laser detector (sold separately) <40m (130’)
* Laser class: II
* Batteries: 4 AA (included)
* Conforms to FDA, CE, RoHS safety regulations

Bergaransi selama 1 tahun…!!!

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