Jual GPS Echosounder Hi-Target HD370/380

Harga :
Merk :
GPS Echosounder Hi-Target HD370/380
Pembelian Maksimal :
2 Set
Pengiriman :
1 hari sejak pembayaran
Lokasi :
Dilihat :
145 Kali
Update Terakhir :
10-12-2017 19:04

Detail Produk

 Echo Sounder Hi-Target HD370/380

1. Paperless, high resolution and permanent record
2. Windows XP style
3. High resolution and high brightness screen for field work
4. Composite PC material body, waterproof, dustproof, broken-resistant and light

1. The latest designed TVG curve provides perfect gain controls for sonar transmission attenuation
2. Advanced underwater gate tracking technology and pulse width choosing technology guarantee the accuracy of underwater survey

1. Depth sampling rate 30 times per second improves the efficiency and makes the echo diagram more smooth and accurate.
2. Adjustable frequency expands the application scope of VF echo sounder by matching various transducers.

1. Embedded Windows XP operating system works steadily.
2. Unique fast mapped restore technology can protect C disk system from virus.
3. Double-disk storage, double system protection, one key recover system
4. High strength ABS+PC cover is waterproof and shock-resistant

1. Automatically measure range shift gear combined with manual shift
2. Digital image process technology, waterfall image display and record, can replay and print
3. innovative portable design, more beautiful and lighter
4. 1024x768dpi high resolution and brightness screen can be clearly seen in the sunlight

1. transducers of different frequency compatible
2. Built-in offshore exploration software can work together with locator, attitude indictor and wave mapper of any brands.
3. External VGA monitor and multi-display terminals supported
4. External USB keyboard and mouse supported

Hi-Target third generation echo sounder load the latest sounder software and navigation sounder software, which are powerful and easy to use, improving the efficiency of this work.

Technical specification
1. Working frequency: High frequency 100-750KHz (adjustable)
2. Max transmit power: High frequency 500W
3. Detection range: High frequency 0.3m~600m
4. Accuracy: ±10mm+0.1%h , resolution: 1cm
5. Adjustable draft range: 0.0m~15m
6. Range of speed of sound: 1370~1700m/s Sense 1m/s
7. Industry-standard embedded high speed low power consumption CPU frequency 1.6GHz
8. Industry-Standard Embedded DDR 2 memory: 1G
9. Depth max sample rate, 30 times per second
10. Built-in 4G large capacity CF card storage (can be customized)
11. Serial ports data output can simulate many formats, adjustable baud rate
12. High brightness 12-inch LCD screen, resolution 1024×768, 600cd/m2
13. Interface: Two RS-232 serial ports, three USB ports, one DC/AC power input port and transducer port
14. Power: DC 12V or AC 220V, power consumption: 20W
15. Environment: working temperature -30℃~60℃ water-proof and shock-resistant
16. Size: 440mm× 341mm × 164mm
17. Weight: 9kg

1. Working frequency: High frequency 100-750KHz (adjustable), low frequency 10-50KHz (adjustable)
2. Max transmit power: High frequency 500W, low frequency 600W
3. Detection range: High frequency 0.3m~600m, low frequency 0.5m~2000m
4. Accuracy: ±10mm+0.1%h , resolution: 1cm
5. Adjustable draft range: 0.0m~15m
6. Range of speed of sound: 1370~1700m/s Sense 1m/s
7. High speed A/D shift, sample rate 153600 times/s, waterfall display
8. Industry-standard embedded high speed low power consumption CPU frequency 1.6GHz
9. Industry-Standard Embedded DDR 2 memory: 1G
10. Depth max sample rate, 30 times per second
11. Built-in 4G large capacity CF card storage (can be customized)
12. Serial ports data output can simulate many formats, adjustable baud rate
13. High brightness 12-inch LCD screen, resolution 1024×768, 600cd/m2
14. Interface: Two RS-232 serial ports, three USB ports, one DC/AC power input port and transducer port
15. Power: DC 12V or AC 220V, power consumption: 20W
16. Environment: working temperature -30℃~60℃ water-proof and shock-resistant
17. Size: 440mm× 341mm × 164mm
18. Weight: 9kg

Bergaransi selama 1 tahun…!!!

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